Inflammatory Panel
Welcome to our Inflammatory Panel [MLINF] page, where we shed light on the significance of the tests included in this comprehensive panel. This panel is designed to provide valuable insights into your immune system and inflammatory response.
Inflammatory Panel
- Price: £ 59
- Code: MLINF
Included Tests
- IgA is an antibody that plays a crucial role in mucosal immunity, protecting the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
- Elevated levels may indicate infections, autoimmune disorders, or allergic reactions.
- IgM is the first antibody produced by the body in response to an infection.
- Increased levels often suggest an acute or recent infection.
- IgG is the most abundant antibody and is involved in long-term immunity.
- Elevated levels may signify chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, or certain cancers.
- CRP is a marker of inflammation in the body.
- Elevated levels can indicate infections, tissue injury, or chronic inflammatory conditions.

This panel is recommended for individuals experiencing unexplained symptoms, recurrent infections, or suspected autoimmune disorders.
In most cases, fasting is not required. However, it’s advisable to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
Abnormal results may indicate various health conditions, and further diagnostic tests may be recommended for a precise diagnosis.
Book Your Inflammatory Panel Test Today!
The Inflammatory Panel [MLINF] is a valuable diagnostic tool that provides a comprehensive assessment of your immune system and inflammatory response. The tests included in this panel offer insights into various aspects of your health, from acute infections to chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders.